1846 - 1965
Holmes Cottage
Laban Morey Wheaton built this home for his mother, Fanny Morey Wheaton, after the death of his father in 1846. Originally built on the southeast corner of Howard and Main Streets, it was moved across the street in 1856 when additions were planned for the Boarding House. The house was sold to Edwin Freeman in 1865 but, in 1897, it came into the possession of the Seminary.
The house served as the Trinitarian Congregational Church parsonage for many years. In 1846, it was occupied by the Rev. Franklin Holmes, who married the Seminary principal, Martha Sawyer, in that year, and the house came to be known as Holmes Cottage.
Holmes Cottage housed the department of household economics, also known as domestic science, from 1908 until 1912, when the department moved to the new Knapton Hall. It also served as student housing until 1929, when it was remodeled to house eight members of the faculty. In 1962, the house was converted into a Spanish dormitory, “Casa Espanola,” where Spanish ruled the decor and the conversation. It was razed in 1965 to make room for the new Elisabeth Amen Nursery School.