Marion Gebbie, class of 1901, a quiet and shy woman who suffered from Paget’s Disease, devoted her life after graduation to her parents and to charitable works.
1901Marion Gebbie
1943Roll Call for Victory
In November the Alumnae Office sent out letters asking alumni what they were doing to aid the war effort.
1966Wheaton Begins Intentional Recruitment of Black Students
During the 1960s, efforts to attract Black students to Wheaton were met with middling success. Though enrollment statistics regarding applicants of color are not known, official correspondence indicates that the College had trouble attracting Black applicants and chalked this up… Read More »
1981Students Protest Nuclear Proliferation and Cuts to Financial Aid
Busloads of Wheaton students join 7,000 others in Washington, D.C., to lobby against nuclear proliferation and federal cuts to student financial aid
1985Students Protest Apartheid
Students protest apartheid and demand divestment of businesses in South Africa in a nationwide college and university campaign.
1986Students Construct Apartheid Shanty
Students construct Apartheid Shanty in protest of continued investment in South African companies.
1987 - 1993Wheaton Divests From Apartheid
The board of trustees prohibits investment in South Africa after a faculty resolution in support of divestment. The prohibition is lifted in 1993 as negotiations to end apartheid in South Africa resume.
1999Students Protest for Divestment From Sudan
Wheaton students demand the College divest from Sudan.
2003Students Protest Iraq War
In protest of the Iraq War, students living on Howard Street display an upside down flag, causing clashes between Norton townspeople, local veterans, students and faculty.
2006Wheaton Responds to Hurricane Katrina
Wheaton students and faculty mobilize in response to Hurricane Katrina.