A granite bench and a bird-feeding station, designed by Ralph Adams Cram, were installed at the northeast corner of the Library in 1937. Its stand recalls Chinese bracketed supports, whereas the acroteria on its roof are Classical motifs; the copper… Read More »
1938Competition to Build a Modern Fine Arts Center
A competition to design a modern fine arts center is sponsored by Wheaton College, the Museum of Art, and Architectural Forum.
1938Dr. Helen Wieand Cole Speaks at Commencement
Dr. Helen Wieand Cole, widow of Samuel Valentine Cole, speaks at Commencement.
1938Houses on College Green
During the mid-1930s, seeking to improve accommodations for its women faculty, the College planned a small housing development in back of Barrows House. Two houses were built on College Green entirely by college workmen, using lumber milled from Wheaton trees… Read More »
1939Allan Nevins Speaks at Commencement
Allan Nevins, Professor of History at Columbia University, speaks at Wheaton’s 104th Commencement. As the author of over 50 books, Nevins’ work as a historian and journalist primarily focused on the Civil War and early business history. Nevins’ speech aimed… Read More »
1940 - 1941Walker Evans Visits Wheaton
Walker Evans, a noted photographer and recipient of several Guggenheim Fellowships, makes four visits to Wheaton during 1940-1941 to lecture and photograph the campus.
1940Dr. Sidney B. Fay Speaks at Commencement
Dr. Sidney B. Fay, Professor of History at Harvard University, speaks at Commencement.
1941Counseling Center
Naylor House, at 42 Howard Street, was named for Annie M. Naylor, from whom it was purchased in 1941. It is now the Counseling Center.
1941Walter Oscar McIntire Speaks at Commencement
“Dr. Mac,” Walter Oscar McIntire was a professor of philosophy and education from 1914 to 1941. A beloved teacher, students knew him as gentle, dedicated, serious and approachable. He performed marriage ceremonies for many alumnae, usually in Cole Memorial Chapel.… Read More »
1941 - 2003Holcombe Austin
Holcombe Austin was a Professor of Philosophy from 1941 to 1972 (emeritus, 1972-2003).
1942President Park Speaks at Commencement for a Second Time
J. Edgar Park, Wheaton College president, speaks at commencement for a second time.
1943Students Organize for the War Effort
The Student War Activities Board, or SWAB, organizes war relief efforts.
1943Roll Call for Victory
In November the Alumnae Office sent out letters asking alumni what they were doing to aid the war effort.
1943Vera Micheles Dean Speaks at Commencement
Vera Micheles Dean, Research Director of the Foreign Policy Association, speaks at Commencement.
1943Florence L. Barrows
Dr. Barrows took responsibility for the college’s herbarium, and in 1946 was made director of the Department of Gardens, Trees and Shrubs.
1944 - 1961Alexander H. Meneely
Dartmouth College Professor of History Alexander Howard Meneely (1899-1961) began his 17-year tenure when Dr. Park retired in 1944, faced with leading the College in a period of post-war confusion and rising costs. Enrollment growth allowed Wheaton to expand and… Read More »
1944President Park Speaks at Commencement for a Third Time
J. Edgar Park, retiring president of Wheaton College, speaks at commencement for a third time.
1944Grace B. Park, Honorary Degree Recipient
Grace B. Park, wife of Wheaton president, J. Edgar Park, is awarded an honorary degree.
1945Dr. Alexander Howard Meneely Speaks at Commencement
Dr. Alexander Howard Meneely, president of Wheaton College, speaks at commencement.
1946President Park Speaks at Commencement for the Fourth Time
J. Edgar Park, president emeritus of Wheaton College, speaks at commencement for the fourth time.