Dr. Leavitt Bates, who lived in the house at 5 Pine Street (Dr. Shook’s residence for many years, razed in 1957 for the construction of Young Hall), built this house for his son David Bates. Purchased by the College in… Read More »
1921Bates Cottage
1921 - 1940Arthur Cutler
Arthur Cutler (1874-1945) was the College’s Business Manager from 1921 to 1928 and the Manager of the Department of Grounds and Buildings from 1928 to 1940.
1921Wheaton Welcomes its First Japanese Student
Her name was Shio Sakanishi, Class of 1925. She was a prolific essayist, author and lecturer. Born in Oiso, Japan, near Tokyo, Shio purposely sought out an American college where there were no other Japanese students. When she applied to… Read More »
1922Reverend Samuel M. Crothers Speaks at Commencement
The Reverend Samuel McChord Crothers speaks at commencement. Learn more about Crothers at Wikipedia.
1922Barrows House
The house at 6 Library Square was purchased in 1922 for use as a dormitory. Also known as the Boynton House, it was used as a residence for male staff for some time, and then for about 30 students until… Read More »
1922Emily S. Hartwell, Honorary Degree Recipient
Emily Stearns Hartwell, Missionary, is an Honorary Degree Recipient.
1922 - 1950Agnes Riddell
Agnes Riddell was a Professor of Romance Languages from 1922-1940. Miss Riddell was Acting Dean from 1923 to 1925 and Professor Emerita from 1940 until her death in 1950.
1922Marian Merrill
Marian Merrill was a 1922 Wheaton graduate who returned to become the Head of the Library Circulation Department in 1927.
1923Cram’s Campus Plan Completed
With the construction of the Library at the southern end of the Dimple, Ralph Adams Cram’s plan for a “Court of Honor” is completed.
1923Madeleine Clark Wallace Library
Wheaton’s Library began in a room in Old Metcalf Hall, was moved to the Gymnasium in 1869, and to a specially designed room in Seminary (Mary Lyon) Hall in 1879. The collection was moved to the Chapel Basement in 1918-19.… Read More »
1923Candle Light Ceremony Established
The first Candle Light Ceremony was held in 1923, inviting new students to join the Religious Association or YWCA, which, with the Athletic Association, organized most campus activities.
1923Calvin Coolidge Speaks at Commencement
Calvin Coolidge, Vice President (and later President) of the United States, speaks at Commencement.
1924Corinne Roosevelt Robinson Speaks at Commencement
Mrs. Corinne Roosevelt Robinson, sister of Teddy Roosevelt, speaks at Commencement.
1925George T. Smart
Upon President’s Cole’s death in 1925, the Board of Trustees had little by way of searching for a successor. To fill the gap, Dr. Rev. George T. Smart undertook the role of Acting President (1925-1926).
1925Power House
The “new” Power House was built in 1925.
1925Arthur P. Rugg Speaks at Commencement
The Honorable Arthur P. Rugg, Chief Justice of the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts speaks at Commencement.
1925Mabel Tingley Woolley
Mabel Tingley Woolley was a member of the class of 1925. The Woolley Room in Mary Lyon Hall, originally the Seminary’s library, was named for her, as is the Woolley Electronic Classroom in the Madeleine Clark Wallace Library.
1925Ruth S. Berry
Ruth S. Berry was a member of the class of 1925. In 1983, a room in Mary Lyon Hall was dedicated to her through a gift she made for its renovation.
1925 - 1952Elisabeth Wheeler Amen
Elisabeth Wheeler Amen was a professor of psychology and education from 1925 until 1952. She founded Wheaton’s nursery school after studying such schools in Great Britain. When it received a new building in 1966, it was named in her honor.… Read More »
1925 - 1956Elsie Elizabeth Gulley
Elsie Elizabeth Gulley was a member of the history department from 1925 to 1956. The Amen-Gulley House was named after Elsie, along with Elisabeth Wheeler Amen, with whom she lived.